Results for 'By Jyl Gentzler'

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  1. The attractions and delights of goodness.By Jyl Gentzler - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (216):353–367.
    What makes something good for me? Most contemporary philosophers argue that something cannot count as good for me unless I am in some way attracted to it, or take delight in it. However, subjectivist theories of prudential value face difficulties, and there is no consensus about how these difficulties should be resolved. Whether one opts for a hedonist or a desire-satisfaction account of..
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  2. (1 other version)How Should I Be? A Defense of Platonic Rational Egoism.Jyl Gentzler - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (4):39-67.
    There has been a long tradition of interpreting Plato as a rational egoist. Over the past few decades, however, some scholars have challenged this reading. While Rational Egoism appeals to many ordinary folk, in sophisticated philosophical circles it has fallen out of favor as a general and complete account of the nature of reasons for action. I argue that while the theory of practical rationality that is often equated with rational egoism—a view that I call ‘Simple-Minded Rational Egoism'—is neither plausible (...)
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  3. How to Discriminate between Experts and Frauds: Some Problems for Socratic Peirastic.Jyl Gentzler - 1995 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 12 (3):227 - 246.
    It has often been noted that Socratic cross-examination is problematic as a method of inquiry, i.e., as a method for 'acquiring' knowledge. Rarely has it been noticed that there are problems with cross-examination when used for the purposes of 'testing' for knowledge. In the 'Charmides', Socrates commits himself to the following principle: In order to discriminate between the person who knows and the person who does not know the subject matter covered by a particular discipline (technê), one must have mastered (...)
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  4. Method in ancient philosophy.Jyl Gentzler (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Method in Ancient Philosophy brings together fifteen new, specially written essays by leading scholars on a broad subject of central importance. The ancient Greeks recognized that different forms of human activity are guided by different methods of reasoning; examination of how they reasoned, and how they thought about their own reasoning, helps us to see how they came to hold the views they did, and how our own methods of enquiry have developed under their influence. Contributors include Terence Irwin, Patricia (...)
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  5. Commentary on Bobonich.Jyl Gentzler - 1995 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 11 (1):140-153.
    Bobonich argues that, in the Laws, Plato is committed to the view that the goodness of all goods entirely distinct from virtue is dependent on the virtue of their possessor. He suggests further that Plato's commitment to this dependency thesis is best explained by Plato's commitment to two other theses: (1) that knowledge is sufficient for all virtue, and (2) that the goodness of goods entirely distinct from virtue depends on their possessor's knowledge of the nature of their goodness. While (...)
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  6. What is a death with dignity?Jyl Gentzler - 2003 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 28 (4):461 – 487.
    Proponents of the legalization of assisted suicide often appeal to our supposed right to "die with dignity" to defend their case. I examine and assess different notions of "dignity" that are operating in many arguments for the legalization of assisted suicide, and I find them all to be deficient. I then consider an alternative conception of dignity that is based on Aristotle's conception of the conditions on the best life. I conclude that, while such a conception of dignity fits best (...)
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  7. Plato and His Predecessors: The Dramatisation of Reason.Jyl Gentzler - 2003 - Mind 112 (445):156-162.
  8. Recollection and the Problem of the Elenchus.Jyl Gentzler - 1994 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 10 (1):257-295.
    We simply cannot make sense of Socrates' procedure for cross-examining his interlocutors in the early dialogues if we insist that Socrates uses cross-examination only for the purpose of testing his interlocutor's claim to knowledge. This view of Socratic cross-examination cannot explain the fact that Socrates examines theses that he himself proposes and that neither he nor his interlocutor explicitly endorses. In contrast,the supposition that Socrates is inquiring on these occasions provides a good explanation for his procedure. When one is attempting (...)
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  9. The Sophistic Cross-Examination of Callicles in the Gorgias.Jyl Gentzler - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):17-43.
    Socrates' cross-examination of Callicles in the 'Gorgias' has traditionally been viewed as a paradigm of the Socratic method. I argue that, when he cross examines Callicles, Socrates behaves out of character. In fact, he acts like a Sophist and violates the very principles of persuasion that he advocates in the 'Gorgias'. I offer an explanation of Socrates' temporary transformation into a Sophist, and suggest that his role-reversal reinforces Plato's representation of Socrates as the model of the virtuous philosopher.
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  10. “συμφωνειν” in Plato's Phaedo.Jyl Gentzler - 1991 - Phronesis 36 (3):265 - 276.
    In Socrates' account of his earlier investigations into the nature of causation in the "Phaedo", he describes a method that uses hypotheses. He posited as true those propositions that appeared to harmonize ("sumphonein") with his hypothesis and as false those propositions that failed to harmonize with his hypothesis. Earlier commentators on this passage have maintained that it is impossible to give a univocal reading of the occurrences of "sumphonein"' such that the method that Socrates describes is at all reasonable. It (...)
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  11. How to Know the Good: The Moral Epistemology of Plato's Republic.Jyl Gentzler - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (4):469-496.
    John Mackie famously dismissed the rational tenability of moral objectivism with two quick arguments. The second, the so-called “argument from queerness,” proceeds as follows. A commitment to moral objectivism brings with it a commitment to the existence of moral properties as “queer” as Platonic Forms that are apprehended only through occult faculties like so-called “moral intuition” (Mackie 1977, 38). Since we have no reason to believe that there is any faculty such as moral intuition that serves as a reliable Form (...)
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  12. The Attractions and Delights of Goodness.Jyl Gentzler - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (216):353-367.
    What makes something good for me? Most contemporary philosophers argue that something cannot count as good for me unless I am in some way attracted to it, or take delight in it. However, subjectivist theories of prudential value face difficulties, and there is no consensus about how these difficulties should be resolved. Whether one opts for a hedonist or a desire-satisfaction account of prudential value, certain fundamental assumptions about human well-being must be abandoned. I argue that we should reconsider Plato's (...)
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    Forms, Individuals, and Individuation: Mary Margaret McCabe's "Plato's Individuals".Jyl Gentzler - 1996 - Apeiron 29 (2):163-182.
  14. Cross-Examining Socrates. [REVIEW]Jyl Gentzler - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (4):587-590.
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    Plato - (G.) Fine (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Plato. Pp. xii + 604. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Cased, £85. ISBN: 978-0-19-5182903. [REVIEW]Jyl Gentzler - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):58-60.
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    Method in Ancient Greek Philosophy.J. Gentzler (ed.) - 1998 - Clarendon Press.
    Method in Ancient Philosophy brings together fifteen new, specially written essays by leading scholars on a broad subject of central importance. The ancient Greeks recognized that different forms of human activity are guided by different methods of reasoning; examination of how they reasoned, and how they thought about their own reasoning, helps us to see how they came to hold the views they did, and how our own methods of enquiry have developed under their influence. Contributors include Terence Irwin, Patricia (...)
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    Promoting Freedom from Poverty: Political Mobilization and the Role of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union.Jyl Josephson & Diana Zoelle - 2006 - Feminist Review 82 (1):6-26.
    Contemporary social policy toward low-income women in the United States, as evidenced both by Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) and by the AFDC programme that preceded it, is in part an artefact of long-standing conceptions of the nature of citizenship. This view sees citizenship as resting primarily on civil and political rights, not on rights with respect to economic, social, and cultural matters. Drawing on scholarly literature on the development of international human rights regimes, the feminist literature (...)
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    Queering the trans: Gender and sexuality binaries in Icelandic trans, queer, and feminist communities.Svandís Anna Sigurðardóttir, Þorgerður Einarsdóttir & Jyl Josephson - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (1):70-84.
    Activists in feminist, queer, and trans movements share in common a critique of the existing gender order. Yet activists may have different understandings of what is wrong with existing gender arrangements, and different understandings of what might be required to establish greater social equality. Using data from interviews with activists in the feminist, queer, and trans movements in Iceland, this article looks at the ways that gender equality and the gender binary are understood by individuals who identify with feminist, queer, (...)
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    Method in Ancient Philosophy (review).David K. Glidden - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):111-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Method in Ancient PhilosophyDavid K. GliddenJyl Gentzler, editor. Method in Ancient Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. Pp. viii + 398. Cloth, $72.00.The fifteen papers in this collection constitute revisions of conference proceedings and reflect the varied interests of participants. The ensemble exhibits a thoroughly modern methodology. Whatever and however various ancient methods of philosophy may have been, in Anglo-American scholarship it is standard practice to first address (...)
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  20. RM Dancy, Plato's Introduction of Forms.J. Gentzler - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (5):327.
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    Adult attachment and memory of emotional reactions to negative and positive events.Amy Gentzler & Kathryn Kerns - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):20-42.
    Relations between adult attachment and memory for earlier emotional reactions to negative and positive events were examined. Hypotheses were that avoidance would be associated with underestimating earlier negative affect, whereas anxiety would be associated with overestimating earlier negative affect. Also, both avoidance and anxiety were expected to relate to underestimating earlier positive affect intensity. Participants (119 college students) completed daily report forms three times a day for 4 days on which they described and rated their immediate emotional reactions to events (...)
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  22.  25
    A Brief History of Chinese and Japanese Civilizations.J. Mason Gentzler & Conrad Schirokauer - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (3):391.
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    Children's responses to cognitive challenge and links to self-reported rumination.Amy L. Gentzler, Amanda L. Wheat, Cara A. Palmer & Rebecca A. Burwell - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (2):305-317.
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    A Syllabus of Chinese Civilization.Robert L. Backus & J. Mason Gentzler - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):675.
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  25. “The New Acquaintance” by Isaak von Sinclair.Translated by Michael George - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (1):119-123.
    In 1813 Isaak von Sinclair published a poem entitled “The New Acquaintance.” It recounts a meeting between himself, his friend Friedrich Hölderlin, and one other unidentified guest whom Sinclair awaited with keen anticipation. Because of Hölderlin’s well established friendship with Hegel it has been assumed in the past that the unknown acquaintance was in fact Hegel. However, at the time to which the poem refers, Hegel was a relatively obscure and unknown figure with no reputation. If we are therefore to (...)
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    Reviewed Work(s): Graph structure and monadic second-order logic. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, vol. 138 by Bruno Courcelle; Joost Engelfriet.Review by: Achim Blumensath - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):394-396,.
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    Two papers by Ulrich Felgner on the history of mathematics.Review by: Steffen Lempp - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):201-202,.
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    Nondomination and normativity.By Christopher Mcmahon - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (3):319–327.
    In an earlier paper, "The Indeterminacy of Republican Policy," I argued that in an important class of cases, republican political theory, as formulated by Philip Pettit, does not have determinate implications for policy. Pettit has replied that my argument was based on a conception of freedom as nondomination that is not his own. In the present paper, I explore the two ways of understanding republican freedom. I first suggest that they may not, in the end, be very different. I then (...)
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    Reviewed Work(s): An introduction to the philosophy of mathematics by Mark Colyvan.Review by: Richard Pettigrew - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):396-397,.
  30. Erasmus Darwin / by Ernst Krause. Autobiography. Consolidated index.Compiled by Richard Raper - 1986 - In Charles Darwin (ed.), The works of Charles Darwin. New York: New York University Press.
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    Atheism, morality and meaning.Reviewed Rosalind Carey - 2005 - Philosophical Investigations 28 (1):87–90.
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  32. Mandala of the rocks: A tibetan meditation in a japanese garden.By Katherine Anne Harper - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 142.
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    Victim-centered retributivism.By Richard L. Lippke - 2003 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2):127–145.
  34. The State and Civil Society: Studies in Hegel’s Political Philosophy.Edited by Z. A. Pelczynski - 1984.
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    Charles Taylor. Contemporary Philosophy in Focus. By Ruth Abbey, editor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. xi, 220. Right, Wrong and Science: The Ethical Dimensions of the Techno-Scientific Enterprise. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 81. By Evandro Agazzi. Edited by Craig Dilworth. Atlantic Highlands. [REVIEW]By Eric B. Baum Cambridge - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (2).
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    Brief Annotated Bibliography of Works by and About Daniel Dennett.Books by Daniel Dennett - 2002 - In Andrew Brook & Don Ross (eds.), Daniel Dennett. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  37. Theorizing American literature : Hegel, the sign, and history.ed. by Bainard Cowan and Joseph G. Kronick (ed.) - 1991 - Louisiana State University Press.
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  38. Geology. Notebook a, 1837-1839 / transcribed and edited by Sandra Herbert. Glen Roy notebook, 1838. Transcribed, Paul H. Barrett Edited by Sydney Smith & Peter J. Gautrey - 1987 - In Charles Darwin (ed.), Charles Darwin’s Notebooks, 1836--1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enquiries. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Wittgenstein on Meaning: An Interpretation and Evaluation* By Colin McGinn| Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984, xiv+ 202 pp.,£ 12.50. [REVIEW]By Colin McGinn - 1987 - Philosophy 62:103.
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    Reviewed Work: Logic in Games by Johan van Benthem.Review by: Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (4):501-503,.
  41. The Philosophy of German Idealism.edited by Ernst Behler - 1987
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    Just war and the supreme emergency exemption.By Christopher Toner - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (221):545–561.
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  43. The Philosophical Psychology of William James.Edited by Michael H. Dearmey & Stephen Skousgaard - 1986
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  44. Roberto CASATI.An Example by Kahneman - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (3):000-000.
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  45. Peace in the global Dr Ajg Kodumutti Nadar - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 297.
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    The publishers would like to apologise for the errors which appeared in the above paper.M. Guenin Personhood’by Louis - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (317):463-503.
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    Selected List of Recent Eleanor Rosenberg, Pedley Gollancz & Schlauch Watts - 1955 - English 11 (54).
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  48. Republic of uzbekistan—the country, human rights and sustainable development.By Akmal Saidov - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 626.
  49. Symbolical Representation of the Buddha in the Art of Nagarjunakonda.Naga King Apala Subdued by Buddha - 2005 - In G. Kamalakar & M. Veerender (eds.), Buddhism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House. pp. 207.
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  50. The Boston Personalist Tradition in Philosophy, Social Ethics, and Theology.By Paul Deats and Carol Robb - 1986
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